Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-13 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-13: Letters Having successfully got rid of Ellen, Poirot turned a somewhat thoughtful face toward me. ‘I wonder now-did she hear those shots? I think she did. She heard them, she opened the kitchen door. She heard Nick rush down the stairs and out, and she herself came into the … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-12 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-12: Ellen Poirot said no word till we had emerged from the nursing home into the outer air. Then he caught me by the arm. ‘You see, Hastings? Do you see? Ah! Sacré Tonnerre! I was right! I was right! Always I knew there was something a lacking-some piece of … Read more

Peril at End House Chapter-11 Pdf Read Online

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Peril at End House Chapter-11: The Motive I was dumbfounded. I turned on Poirot. ‘Is this what you meant?’ ‘Yes, mon ami. This morning-I knew.’ ‘How did you know? How did you guess? You said it stared you in the face at breakfast.’ ‘So it did, my friend. From the front page of the newspaper. I … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-10 Read Online

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-10: Nick’s Secret It was daylight when I awoke. Poirot was still sitting where he had been the night before. His attitude was the same, but in his face was a difference. His eyes were shining with that queer catlike green light that I knew so well. I struggled to … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-9 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-9: A. to J. I doubt if I shall ever forget the night that followed. Poirot was prey to such an agony of self-reproach that I was really alarmed. Ceaselessly he strode up and down the room heaping anathemas on his own head and deaf to my well-meant remonstrances. ‘What … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-8 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-8: The Fatal Shawl I suppose it was not more than forty seconds that we stood there, frozen with horror, unable to move, but it seemed like an hour. Then Poirot moved forward, shaking off my hand. He moved stiffly like an automaton. ‘It has happened,’ he murmured, and I … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-7 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-7: Tragedy The first person we saw when we arrived at End House that evening was Nick. She was dancing about the hall wrapped in a marvelous kimono covered with dragons. ‘Oh! it’s only you!’ ‘Mademoiselle-I am desolated!’ ‘I know. It did sound rude. But you see, I’m waiting for … Read more

Peril at End House Chapter-6 Novel Read Online

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Peril at End House Chapter-6: A Call Upon Mr. Vyse Poirot clung firmly to the Continental breakfast. To see me consuming eggs and bacon upset and distressed him-so he always said. Consequently, he breakfasted in bed with coffee and rolls and I was free to start the day with the traditional Englishman’s breakfast of bacon … Read more

The Peril at End House Chapter-5 Novel Read Online

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Peril at End House Chapter-5: Discover the thrilling detective novel “Peril at End House” by Agatha Christie, where renowned detective Hercule Poirot investigates a series of mysterious incidents befalling Nick Buckley, the owner of the majestic End House estate in England. Poirot uncovers a dangerous plot against Nick’s life and races against time to unveil … Read more

The Peril at End House Chapter-4 Novel Read Online

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Peril at End House Chapter-4: “Peril at End House” by Agatha Christie is a detective novel in which Hercule Poirot investigates a series of mysterious incidents that befall Nick Buckley, the owner of End House, a large country estate in England. Poirot soon realizes that Nick’s life is in danger and must race against time … Read more