Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-20 Read Online

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 Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-20: J. It was so sudden that no one knew what had happened for a moment. Then, with a violent exclamation, Poirot ran to the window. Challenger was with him. A moment later they reappeared, carrying with them the limp body of a man. As they lowered him carefully into … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-19 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-19: Poirot Produces a Play It was a curious gathering that met that night at End House. I had hardly seen Poirot all day. He had been out for dinner but had left me a message that I was to be at End House at nine o’clock. Evening dress, he … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-18 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-18:  The Face at the Window The events of the next day are completely hazy in my memory. I was unfortunate enough to wake up with a fever on me. I have been liable to these bouts of fever at inconvenient times ever since I once contracted malaria. In consequence, … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-17 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-17: A Box of Chocolates All the way to the nursing home Poirot murmured and muttered to himself. He was full of self-reproach.  ‘I should have known,’ he groaned. ‘I should have known! And yet, what could I do? I took every precaution. It is impossible-impossible. No one could get … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-16 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-16: Interview with Mr. Whitfield The inquest was a dry proceeding-mere bare bone. There was evidence of identification, then I gave evidence of the finding of the body. Medical evidence followed. The inquest was adjourned for a week. The St Loo murder had jumped into prominence in the daily press. … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-15 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-15: Strange Behaviour of Frederica Poirot’s inventions about the Chief Constable were proved not to have been so mendacious after all. Colonel Weston called upon us soon after lunch. He was a tall man of military carriage with considerable good looks. He had a suitable reverence for Poirot’s achievements, with … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-14 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-14: The Mystery of the Missing Will We went straight back to the nursing home. Nick looked rather surprised to see us. ‘Yes, Mademoiselle,’ said Poirot, answering her look. ‘I am like the Jack in the Case. I pop up again. To begin with I will tell you that I … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-13 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-13: Letters Having successfully got rid of Ellen, Poirot turned a somewhat thoughtful face toward me. ‘I wonder now-did she hear those shots? I think she did. She heard them, she opened the kitchen door. She heard Nick rush down the stairs and out, and she herself came into the … Read more

Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-12 Read Online

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Peril at End House Pdf Chapter-12: Ellen Poirot said no word till we had emerged from the nursing home into the outer air. Then he caught me by the arm. ‘You see, Hastings? Do you see? Ah! Sacré Tonnerre! I was right! I was right! Always I knew there was something a lacking-some piece of … Read more

Peril at End House Chapter-11 Pdf Read Online

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Peril at End House Chapter-11: The Motive I was dumbfounded. I turned on Poirot. ‘Is this what you meant?’ ‘Yes, mon ami. This morning-I knew.’ ‘How did you know? How did you guess? You said it stared you in the face at breakfast.’ ‘So it did, my friend. From the front page of the newspaper. I … Read more